Elisabeth Friesinger
Transformation Design M. A. | Digital Media B. A.
Elisabeth Friesinger
Transformation Design M. A. | Digital Media B. A.
I am passionate about guiding businesses through digital transformation with a focus on ethical responsibility, environmental sustainability, and social awareness.
I believe in the power of design to drive positive change and shape a future where responsibility and innovation go hand in hand.

Projects & Publications
'Conscious' Service Design Methods
To align our service design discoveries with the overall goal to develop conscious digital products, my team at DPM and I have redesigned commonly used service design methodologies to consciously add a societal and environmental perspective.
It’s about making informed decisions that consider – in addition to the immediate needs of our clients and the user – the broader implications for the environment and society.
To enable this shift, service design methodologies have been redesigned.
The paper explores these methods in detail and provides answers to the following questions:
1. Why is change is needed?
2. What has changed in each method to enable more socially and environmentally responsible design?
3. How can you integrate these methods into your own work?
hers* – more safety for FLINTA* in public spaces
Hers* is an app designed for FLINTA individuals, providing them with a safe space accessible via their smartphones. It offers features such as locating safe places and routes, fostering self-efficacy in precarious situations, and building a supportive community. The app’s functions are highly customizable and user-friendly. Notably, it is distinguished by its gender-neutral and inclusive design.
The app was the outcome to following research questions:
1. How can we act actively to reduce violence against FLINTA* in public spaces and make FLINTA* feel safer?
2. How can we take preventive action to create a gender-equitable urban space and a more sensitive environment?
FLINTA* is the German acronym representing women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, transgender, and agender persons, with the asterisk (*) symbolizing inclusivity for all identities in-between.
Topics of social relevance in design education
Many of the problems the world is facing today – such as mass production, the extinction of species, exploitation, violence and injustice – can be linked, among other things, to design. At the same time, design is often seen as a problem solver that can counteract these very problems. In particular, young designers are often unaware of the social responsibility that is inherent in design.
Therefore, the question is raised as to how socially relevant issues can be integrated into current design theory.
The research followed the methodological framework of design-based research. The aim was to gather answers to the question in a real educational context. To this end, five workshops were piloted at the University of Applied Sciences Ulm. The workshops on the topics: „Responsible Design“, „Design Critical of Racism“, „Gender-Sensitive Design“, „Barrier-Free Design“ and „Sustainable Design“ were linked to an existing teaching module as an additional workshop format. From this, didactic methods and learning activities were derived to support students in integrating socially relevant topics into the design process.
Touchpoint article on conscious design
The article presents the case for a paradigm shift towards ‚Conscious Service Design‘, which extend the consideration of stakeholders to include the wider impact on the environment and society.
The adapted tool of ‚Inclusive Segment Cards‘ is explained in more detail and attempts to create an understanding of how inclusivity can be created through conscious and data-driven customer segmentation.
Curriculum Vitae
2021 - 22
Transformation Design M. A.
Master‘s degree at University of Applied Sciences Augsburg with a focus on social, ecological and economical topics in design.
2017 - 21
Digital Media B. A.
Bachelor studies at the University of Applied Sciences Ulm in design and development of digital products.
since 2022
Service Designer at DPM
Guiding businesses through digital transformation with a focus on ethical responsibility, environmental sustainability, and social awareness.
2020 - 22
Digital Designer
Self-employed with a main focus on the conception and creation of digital products for small and medium-sized companies in the Rosenheim area.
2021 - 22
Media Educator at LKJ BW
Facilitation and conception of workshops for the ‚Landesvereinigung für kulturelle Jugendbildung Baden-Württemberg‘ on art & media education.
2015 - 20
Design Intern & Working Student
Working student in UX and UI design and project management at PG Naturpharma and Sanitätshaus Sax, internship at agency Djermester Design+Marke.
2024 | Talks
Conscious Service Design
Introducing ‚conscious‘ service design at the UX Monday in Munich and at the European Service Design Conference in London.
2023 & 24 | Workshops
Responsibility in CSR
Workshop about responsibility in CSR reporting with students from the University of Applied Sciences Landshut.
2022 | Workshops
Design Ethics
Workshops on design ethics with a total of 80 design students from University of Applied Sciences Augsburg.
2021 & 22 | Workshops
Social & Eco Design
Social & eco design workshops in the winter semester 2021/22 at the University of Applied Sciences Ulm in Digital Media.
2021 | Workshops
Art & Media Education
Regular workshops with children and young people at e.tage Medienbildung Ulm and LKJ BW.
2021 | Talk
Gender Sensitive Public Spaces
Talk about gender-sensitive design at the ‚Gender & Diversity in Design Conference 2021‘ in Darmstadt.
2024 | Publication
Conscious Service Design Methodologies
The publication offers an overview of the updated methodologies, which aim to collectively contribute to a future where service design positively impacts society and the environment.
2024 | Article
Introducing ‚Conscious Service Design‘
The article published in the Touchpoint 14 No. 3 (2023) introduces the approach of ‚conscious service design, that helps to prioritise societal and environmental impacts, challenge assumptions and aplify marginalised voices.
2022 | Award
ADC Talents Award
Bronze ADC nail at the ADC TALENTS Award 2022 in the category „Conception & Design of digital products/services“. Awarded for a project that addressed the question: „How can we take preventive action to create a gender equitable urban space and a more sensitive environment?“
2021 | Exhibition
Self-Expression is an Art
Part of the collective exhibition „Impulse der Zeit“ with four pieces of work at the cultural centre in Trudering.
2019 | Exhibition
Collectors in Portrait
Four-week exhibition of the photo series „Collectors in Portrait“ in Wasserburg am Inn.